Monday, December 28, 2009

Attach Hard Drive To Lg Tv

Two Free Thoughts

Her kiss tasted of star

kissed his cheek and kissed the sky

The night drew his face

written Their presence in the wind

was our farewell

Seconds time does not count

he is already part of the whole

His graduation my detachment

take comfort in knowing

That all continues

In the place where time

wiles of the ego Detach

tears Once

I could kiss the sky

© SJM 2009

This information is protected by copyright. You can share and / or distributed by electronic means citing the author and blog Shaymyli Sum

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

1.1.638 Simcity 4 Update

times 2 (but still chains)

I'm losing feathers, is because of the fall.


I Went Into the mirror thinking I Was Alice. I look back at myself & all I saw Was a white rabbit with a wizard's hat.


I have borne too many times, all I have been hurt by bighead.


If I have not lost it to this day, Then maybe, tomorrow I'll find my insanity.

This information is protected by copyright. You can share and / or distributed by electronic means citing the author and blog Shaymyli Sum

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Scared Have Brazillian Wax

me crazy, my love, I go crazy - Oliver Labra Carilda

ME crazy, my love, I go crazy

I crazy, my love, I go crazy

when I go in your mouth;

and almost no why, for almost nothing,

I touch the tip of my breast.

I touch the tip of my breast

my loneliness and helpless;

and perhaps
without being in love;

me crazy, my love, I go crazy.

And my sort of prized fruit

burns in your hand lewd and troubled

as a bad promise poison

and although I want to kiss her knees,

when I go in your mouth, delayed,

me crazy, my love, I go crazy.

This information is protected by copyright. You can share and / or distributed by electronic means citing the author and blog Shaymyli Sum

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Doujin Moe Members Account Free

Cuban poets Voices of Safe Harbor

We'll see, you said-and your message to poet unhappy, deeply silly, condemns me to look elsewhere yesterday that dream world that has not happened.
Carilda Oliver "Instead of tears"

will understand that I made not to be forgotten ... Lina
Fair "Acquittal of love"

This information is protected by copyright. You can share and / or distributed by electronic means citing the author and blog Shaymyli Sum

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Met-art Leminge Milena

Today the sky is the color of sadness

The gray blanket covering the wind that brings tears and tantrums voices

Miro Street dying back to earth

Looking for an ark to take me to safe harbor

The port is within me

just hope that my neighbor found his


This information is protected by copyright. You can share and / or distributed by electronic means citing the author and blog Shaymyli Sum

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Spare Wheels For Chicco Baby Walker

awoke from a long sleep. Died in the desert they wanted. My left foot and my right hand are the map ... for now. I did not bring the bottle of sand that my brother asked because she is in my skin. River water did not pick up because now runs into me. I wanted to catch the sun with my hands and it was he who embraced me.

I have a new love, but never imagined I would have to go through the desert to find ...

This information is protected by copyright. You can share and / or distributed by electronic means citing the author and blog Shaymyli Sum

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Jesse Jane Pirati Para Baixar

The desert soon

I stand by my eye area

watch my spring will fall

© SJM 2009

This information is protected by copyright author. You can share and / or distributed by electronic means citing the author and blog Shaymyli Sum

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

How Long Should Benzoyl Peroxide Be Left On Skin


"Human beings are not born for ever the day their mothers give birth, but that life obliges them to parirse themselves a and again. " Gabriel García Márquez

This information is protected by copyright. You can share and / or distributed by electronic means citing the author and blog Shaymyli Sum http: / / /

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Cortisone Injections In Spanish

Quote for today Third

Arrojo furiously letters on the asphalt
scream when burned

Your name appears

My fury throws the letters on the asphalt
scream Burn

Your name goes up in smoke

Cry flipping letters on the asphalt
I burn

smoke My name is

Cry Arrojo
I burn another

I have your name

© 2009 SJM

This information is protected by copyright. You can share and / or distributed by electronic means citing the author and blog Shaymyli Sum

Friday, July 31, 2009

Marraige Congrats Message

duel to shout - I look

I look at the words I have not written , in the past that not remember ... and pages that divine the future ...

© 2009 SJM

This information is protected by copyright. You can share and / or distributed by electronic means citing the author and blog Shaymyli Sum

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Email Format For Marriage Invitation

Piñeramómetro Pascua Lama, Celco and Thermoelectric motivate communities to organize

The constant threat of polluting industries to mobilize communities makes pro-life. The union is strength and strength in fighting transfroma power plants, mining or pulp mill that threatens more than 10 years Mehuín fishermen and now the same company must pay a millionaire's death penalty black-necked swans.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What Happens If You Swallow I Fish Bone?

Open Call to Say No to Pascua Lama

We are in a very important moment for those who have held the slogan of 'no to Pascua Lama. " Since last year, Barrick is moving silently step by step, especially co-opting social organizations (Commitment Atacama).

Nevertheless, organizations and individuals who have their eyes open and have not stopped pressing, followed by activities in the Huasco Valley. Recently held the Festival of the lies, where the community Dramatized Pedro Urdemales (great character lies), these days other activity is being organized to show that still says No to Pascua Lama ... and so we have tried to follow from here.

intervene epically Santiago Marathon and other activities with our flag white / green was invented to defend Huasco Valley. Today we need to build a great event, with respect, with colors, water, green, with people, with our hands, so that we stop the Pascua Lama project.

We can not do so unless people want it. That's the key. If we are many, not made. Therefore, we request to meet this Friday, 8 to 18 hours at the offices of OLCA (Avenida Providencia 365, dept. 41). Call

completely open to spread the word, all fit, all are essential, we all need them all. So spread the word, send the mail, tell friends, girlfriends, children, moms and dads, etc.

All 8 in OLCA Friday at 18. There will be, to create and build the most beautiful event ever before. You do not tell! Coordinator Against Pascua Lama - Stgo. More or See


Thursday, March 26, 2009

White Mucus In Stool Undigested Food

the empty chair Barrick never held

Arguing a "possible attack", the multinational executives down to 20-minute forum on Pascua Lama:
The empty chair Barrick never held
(By Javier Karmy)

Barrick demanded a forum without a press, a separate parking, side access the audience, a security officer for the executive, remove any banner or canvas, and present in second place, leaving the opposing criticism before the submission of the project. Despite all these safeguards worthy of a ruler, the most important multinational gold mining withdrew debate. The empty chair of the forum said it all.

Due to the massive presence of opponents of the landmark bilateral project of the Canadian Barrick Gold and the large number of media covering the event, executives of the transnational declined to participate in a debate organized by five students in Commercial Engineering Adolfo Ibáñez University as essential part of the course Entrepreneurship Workshop.
was supposed to be a forum on the Pascua Lama project where Barrick Gold would be to explain your project worldwide star and to discuss with them the religious Cristina Hoar, Servant of the Holy Spirit and the director of Latin American Centre for Conflict Environmental (OLCA), Lucio Cuenca. Both have been accompanying the Huasco Valley communities in the region of Atacama, after all these years of conflict with the crime.
However, a phone call shattered the opportunity to debate, discuss and Barrick Gold express what so many people wanted to say a long time. The transnational argued that they had information that the environmentalists would have a very "attack" against the executive of the multinational. Although
demanded a forum without a press, a separate parking, side access to the auditorium, a security officer for the executive, as well as remove any banner or canvas, and present in second place, leaving the other party prior to criticize submission of the project. Despite all these safeguards worthy of a ruling that students were willing to grant them, the most important multinational gold mining debate withdrew, warning 20 minutes before the scheduled time. The empty chair of the forum said it all. They are afraid

of truth

Cristina Hoar Sr. lamented the situation because "they appear faceless" and said "what Barrick afraid? Of truth. "
As for Lucio Cuenca "this attitude is part of Barrick common, as on previous occasions been invited to debate, but they do not occur in places where they have full control of the situation." Such was the occasion in the Trial of Barrick under the Chile Social Forum II in November 2006 when Barrick's attorney excused himself to go abroad. In fact, Cuenca recalled that the only time he has discussed with the executive of Barrick was the last year in the Manquehue school within a school talks. "But that was not advertised nor was public," he said.
Elias Musalem, one of the organizers, said obfuscated the term, the debate was "half" because "we had everything ready and 20 minutes before the forum, Barrick called us saying that he ran because, they had information that would be an attack against them. " While
Barrick initially opened the door to the camp flown Pascua Lama project in the mountains of the Third Region of Atacama where they could take pictures of the affected area, now "call us and wrinkle "Said the university, and eventually leaves them worse because college students are left with a pure vision and not that of Barrick." Musalem
explained that "it hurts us because we will surely fail the practice of this workshop, but we will seek explanations from Barrick, and the rise to its corporate website as it is a disrespect, because I doubt the alleged attack, because Chile has not killed people in debates of this kind, "he said.
certainly much more important than if the teacher decides to approve the trade to students the importance of this space is that once again has been exposed the darker side of Barrick Gold, which does not Able to sit or discuss, or sit in front of a canvas. So we rescued the voice of the professor who moderated the debate to mean "Unfortunately, silence gives consent."

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Denise Milani Images

I signed for the Nationalization of Water

CRY by
SELF Citizens Movement for the nationalization of the water. Starting
← →
citizen dialogue -
Who sign this letter, we are part of the vast majority who claims the "nationalization of the water" in our country.
- people
We cry, we cry Community, we are ethical indignation against misappropriation devastating and predatory water, the community property wrongfully usurped by multinationals and local groups.
This long and narrow strip of land bleed water. Whether in Patagonia and northern mining Huasco Valley, and in the dry coastal or in the Mapuche Mapuche, similar signs of fraudulent appropriation of water to the detriment of the local community use, such use of hanging tenuously LIFE .
- Nationalize
WATER means building a dialogue in which all basic needs, excluding short term and narrow interests are heard. Would be from the square where the scope would be defined dialogically precise than we should understand as "nationalization of the water."
- Nationalize
WATER means reforming the laws for the benefit of sustainable use of water by communities. What are these that can be defined in the first democratically sustainable uses of water. To make this possible, would be essential to establish new legal primacy of local water use by other laws, such as electricity, which has repeatedly helped to impose co-overpowering projects throughout the country.
Beyond our local concerns, the issue of water is crucial for the future of humanity and it is from this perspective, pro equitable access by communities, there are just concepts such as sustainable use and solidarity, on the basis of the attitudes of a consumer who wants to consider as conscious. We urgently need to refound our culture about rights, consumption and water protection. It therefore follows that this struggle is twinned with vital consumer attitudes in our daily conscious and consistent supply is this a must for those who subscribe to this clamor.
We demand a moratorium on all projects throughout the country, endangering the vital needs of the community water or unnecessary mass destruction of this vital ecosystem is not yet inhabited by humans. All projects must be reviewed after the nationalization of water.
signatures attached shall be used exclusively for demanding the nationalization of the vital resource and will be presented in ALL instances where they are received as free and autonomous citizen expression.
Cáceres Claudio Escobar -
Return your signature to:
newencec @ gmail . com

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Gabriella Hall Free Online Movies

I arrive late to the news, but here ...

More than 300 people in mega journey through life against Pascua Lama

Launch of book, record and film for Water against Pascua Lama Huasco
After five days of roaming the Huasco Valley, Atacama Region, making the triple release of different materials on the conflict with transnational companies wishing to move in headwaters of the basin, nearly 300 people have been able to access the book "Pascua Lama: Armed conflict behind us," the musical CD "United for Water Say No to Pascua Lama, the plunder and pollution, and internationally award-winning documentary "El Dorado: the thirst of gold."

The first launch was held at the House of Culture on Monday Vallenar 26, where artists were present Shorypunk locally and to contribute to the presentation of the book, the album and documentary.

A similar activity took place on Tuesday at the front of the Church of Alto del Carmen, where religious communities provided the necessary infrastructure to share in the mega journey through life. Once again local artists committed to the defense of the Valley. A singer Shorypunk joined Oriel "Pijiro" Campillay and painter Mauricio Alfaro.

drew attention to the constant patrolling near the police van in Alto del Carmen, however, the officers merely observed the peaceful activity and family. Prior censorship

local radio

After release in Alto del Carmen, an incident occurred when two members of the Coordinating against Pascua Lama - Stgo, went to the radio which depends on the municipality of Alto del Carmen. The idea was to thank the good reception of the people, and report that in the coming days would be held the same event in different locations.

While the two were waiting in the same radio booth were given the signal to start thanks, was the director of media to say they could not get on the air. This is because the position antiBarrick that both had expressed openly during those days. Were orders of a superior. Both asked and reached the same municipality to talk with Mr. Fernando Flores, an adviser to the new mayor, Nora Rojas, who laid bare his paternalism as municipal politics when he referred to the director of the radius of the municipality of Alto del Carmen "child" and when referring to members of the coordinator as "boys." However, the most powerful argument was that the municipality could not take part in this conflict, which should be neutral, and that its role was to maintain "control" and avoid conflict.

Chiguinto moves
Fortunately, Chiguinto expected to launch triple against the mining project. This spoke of the book, record, and was the documentary. After the mega event, led to a small meeting where they discussed the current situation, he reviewed the project site El Morro and La Fortuna, the Limestone plant Barrick, the thermal expansion of Guacolda, and how can be followed with community resistance from Huasco Valley after nearly ten years of conflict.

Criticism was the prevailing economic model and the binomial electoral system, with which it hopes to achieve a common strategy to meet the new candidates for the presidential chair. Which by the way, Eduardo Frei is absolutely identified as the author of binational mining treaty allows first bi-national project, Pascua Lama. As stated in Chiguinto, "the same shit but with different flies." And

san felix too!

And in San Felix also became, with last-minute improvisations and nehuen pure, could be carried out in the megalanzamiento parade. Music and film were the main activity, which was attended by about 40 people, despite almost no diffusion impromptu last minute.

The call from the Huasco Valley is to continue to resist despite the visible progress of the mining life-threatening. Water

yes - gold not
Against Pascua Lama - Stgo