Tuesday, February 24, 2009

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I signed for the Nationalization of Water

CRY by
SELF Citizens Movement for the nationalization of the water. Starting
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citizen dialogue -
Who sign this letter, we are part of the vast majority who claims the "nationalization of the water" in our country.
- people
We cry, we cry Community, we are ethical indignation against misappropriation devastating and predatory water, the community property wrongfully usurped by multinationals and local groups.
This long and narrow strip of land bleed water. Whether in Patagonia and northern mining Huasco Valley, and in the dry coastal or in the Mapuche Mapuche, similar signs of fraudulent appropriation of water to the detriment of the local community use, such use of hanging tenuously LIFE .
- Nationalize
WATER means building a dialogue in which all basic needs, excluding short term and narrow interests are heard. Would be from the square where the scope would be defined dialogically precise than we should understand as "nationalization of the water."
- Nationalize
WATER means reforming the laws for the benefit of sustainable use of water by communities. What are these that can be defined in the first democratically sustainable uses of water. To make this possible, would be essential to establish new legal primacy of local water use by other laws, such as electricity, which has repeatedly helped to impose co-overpowering projects throughout the country.
Beyond our local concerns, the issue of water is crucial for the future of humanity and it is from this perspective, pro equitable access by communities, there are just concepts such as sustainable use and solidarity, on the basis of the attitudes of a consumer who wants to consider as conscious. We urgently need to refound our culture about rights, consumption and water protection. It therefore follows that this struggle is twinned with vital consumer attitudes in our daily conscious and consistent supply is this a must for those who subscribe to this clamor.
We demand a moratorium on all projects throughout the country, endangering the vital needs of the community water or unnecessary mass destruction of this vital ecosystem is not yet inhabited by humans. All projects must be reviewed after the nationalization of water.
signatures attached shall be used exclusively for demanding the nationalization of the vital resource and will be presented in ALL instances where they are received as free and autonomous citizen expression.
Cáceres Claudio Escobar - http://patagonia-rebelde.blogspot.com
Return your signature to:
newencec @ gmail . com

Thursday, February 19, 2009

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I arrive late to the news, but here ...

More than 300 people in mega journey through life against Pascua Lama

Launch of book, record and film for Water against Pascua Lama Huasco
After five days of roaming the Huasco Valley, Atacama Region, making the triple release of different materials on the conflict with transnational companies wishing to move in headwaters of the basin, nearly 300 people have been able to access the book "Pascua Lama: Armed conflict behind us," the musical CD "United for Water Say No to Pascua Lama, the plunder and pollution, and internationally award-winning documentary "El Dorado: the thirst of gold."

The first launch was held at the House of Culture on Monday Vallenar 26, where artists were present Shorypunk locally and to contribute to the presentation of the book, the album and documentary.

A similar activity took place on Tuesday at the front of the Church of Alto del Carmen, where religious communities provided the necessary infrastructure to share in the mega journey through life. Once again local artists committed to the defense of the Valley. A singer Shorypunk joined Oriel "Pijiro" Campillay and painter Mauricio Alfaro.

drew attention to the constant patrolling near the police van in Alto del Carmen, however, the officers merely observed the peaceful activity and family. Prior censorship

local radio

After release in Alto del Carmen, an incident occurred when two members of the Coordinating against Pascua Lama - Stgo, went to the radio which depends on the municipality of Alto del Carmen. The idea was to thank the good reception of the people, and report that in the coming days would be held the same event in different locations.

While the two were waiting in the same radio booth were given the signal to start thanks, was the director of media to say they could not get on the air. This is because the position antiBarrick that both had expressed openly during those days. Were orders of a superior. Both asked and reached the same municipality to talk with Mr. Fernando Flores, an adviser to the new mayor, Nora Rojas, who laid bare his paternalism as municipal politics when he referred to the director of the radius of the municipality of Alto del Carmen "child" and when referring to members of the coordinator as "boys." However, the most powerful argument was that the municipality could not take part in this conflict, which should be neutral, and that its role was to maintain "control" and avoid conflict.

Chiguinto moves
Fortunately, Chiguinto expected to launch triple against the mining project. This spoke of the book, record, and was the documentary. After the mega event, led to a small meeting where they discussed the current situation, he reviewed the project site El Morro and La Fortuna, the Limestone plant Barrick, the thermal expansion of Guacolda, and how can be followed with community resistance from Huasco Valley after nearly ten years of conflict.

Criticism was the prevailing economic model and the binomial electoral system, with which it hopes to achieve a common strategy to meet the new candidates for the presidential chair. Which by the way, Eduardo Frei is absolutely identified as the author of binational mining treaty allows first bi-national project, Pascua Lama. As stated in Chiguinto, "the same shit but with different flies." And

san felix too!

And in San Felix also became, with last-minute improvisations and nehuen pure, could be carried out in the megalanzamiento parade. Music and film were the main activity, which was attended by about 40 people, despite almost no diffusion impromptu last minute.

The call from the Huasco Valley is to continue to resist despite the visible progress of the mining life-threatening. Water

yes - gold not
Against Pascua Lama - Stgo