Sunday, June 27, 2010

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Sandy Main Memory absent

do not blame the spring arrives again.
Wislawa Szymborska

I was away so much of life
I forgot to dress the body
combining the few organs that left me
dead verbs and passives

I forgot what it was to sit in a square
observe the flight of birds
and let go
braid hair

I forgot what it was to recall the memories away
I invented
in moments of lucidity

Seen my nakedness in cream
looking tan a look
I remember the intimacy of touch

I walked
my body
not have the strength to drag
admit that fatigue consumed me

do not blame for wanting to spring back
and flowers inhabit this empty vessel

What I can do if she insists
in undress each equinox
in each crotch
each book
which includes the words
with whom I have seen.

© 2010 SJM

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