Sunday, September 5, 2010

New Born Message Funny

Found a new way against salmonella bacteria and other substances

According to this research, published in the latest issue of Cell, causing salmonella When infection takes control of the cells lining the intestine to inject its proteins, which perform functions similar to those of host cells and prevent the body from destroying.

The study of Yale University described the crucial role of the bacterial protein SopB at the entrance of the organism in the cell and its subsequent camouflage. We have seen that the protein works in the plasma membrane for the pathogen to enter the cell and is encapsulated in a kind of vesicles.

addition, the same protein prevents the vesicle is drawn into the lysosome, the body breaks down proteins. To that end, should SopB move from the cell plasma membrane to the inner membrane of the vesicle that contains the pathogen.

Mechanism 'smart'
Galan's group found that salmonella does the cell recognize the protein of the bacteria as their own and can move from the membrane to the vesicles.

According to the authors, the study provides important information about the mechanisms that cause this infection, which infects more than two million people a year worldwide, and may point toward the development of new therapeutic strategies.


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