Sunday, August 31, 2008

Franco Citterioconsultant

Given the current educational issues, particularly regarding the controversial General Education Law (LGE) and its implications, we consider it necessary to express our positions on these issues, as people concerned about our natural and social environment. Emphatically reject

General Law of Education in its entirety since it does not solve the structural problems of injustice, discrimination and poor quality found in Chilean Education. Does not mean a strengthening of public education, which should be a priority of the State of Chile. The LGE also does not represent a major improvement their ancestor and arch-criticized LOCE (Constitutional Organic Law of Education), imposed on the last day of dictatorship, but rather a profit in the legitimation of education and current educational system. Thus, a validation and continuation of all its structural problems. In other words, purely cosmetic.
also condemned all forms of repression, imprisonment and violence carried out by the Government through the use of public force. Paradoxically the public against the public: Carabineros de Chile suppress the student movement and everyone who expresses freely against educational policies towards privatization and of genuine quality public education for all for all, surrounded by a rule of law and free expression. That is, you go to prison which states that the State must guarantee the right to education over the right to profit.

the undersigned, declare the backing and support closer to the student movement in this long and difficult struggle for a fair public education and quality. We need to understand, at the same time, the close link between environment and education, as a fair and quality education is a fundamental pillar for the formation of an ecologically sustainable society and democratic. We also want to share the forms of resistance and protests from students, are the same type as those of the communities affected by the plunder and pollution of their common property, sources of life, by national and transnational companies. The struggles are the same. All these educational and environmental conflicts, have a common root: the neoliberal capitalist system and its 'watchdog', the current political system which, as we saw in one of his last expressions, adopted aberrations as the LGE

. For

course, these systems are based on institutions and persons known to a large extent are complicit and responsible for these injustices. Example of this is the implementation of an educational program (mainly technological) in two schools Huasco Valley, with funding from the transnational Barrick Gold, owner of the binational project Pascua Lama, together with Intel and

Cisneros Foundation, the which demonstrates to us the current state policy, which ignores their educational problems and left to a company like Barrick ecocide and genocide in one of the many signs of consciousness buying seen in the same valley and all over Chile. The structural problems in public education are not solved with crumbs of technology, but with a strengthening of the public and fair.

Finally, we call to discuss these issues and relationships mentioned, consider proposals, alternatives and action. Common goods like water, land, air and education are constantly being corrupted and polluted. The common cleaning is urgently needed. The (re) construction community as well.

Coordinator No to Pascua Lama - Santiago

Defense Council

Huasco Valley Ecological Network


Colectivo de Acción por los Derechos Ambientales

RADA (Red de Acción por los Derechos Ambientales)

Ceibo Maipú

Corporación Tierra Nuestra

Lideresas por el Desarrollo Sustentable.


La Comunidad

para el Desarrollo Humano

Centro de las culturas

Agrupación de vecinos del Barrio Yungay

Autonomous Feminist

Action Network for Environmental Justice and Social (Rajas)

Latin American Observatory for Environmental Conflicts (OLCA) Water Seed Program

rexistencia Working Class

No Pascua-Lama è Montreal, Canada Nicolasita-Inti Brigade Simon