Friday, July 30, 2010
How Soon After Hysterectomy Can I Take A Bath
You have to forgive me because I wanted to be updated yesterday, as every week, but as this afternoon we started the holiday, I'm a little more bundled and have not had time.
this weekend published a recetilla more and go a few days rest, the back, I promise more recipes and more updates!
Big kiss and enjoy Summer is my favorite time of year!
PS turns 31 in 11 days! that the more I'm sorry! (Luckily not yet old enough to not want to say that I meet ... hehehe!)
Sunday, July 25, 2010
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Musculoskeletal Disorders Musculoskeletal conditions include more than 150 diseases and syndromes, which are usually progressive and painful. Can be categorized generally as joint diseases, physical disability, spinal disorders and conditions resulting from trauma. Conditions that have a greater social impact are rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, back pain and injuries of the extremities. The use of the term "non-specific musculoskeletal problems" implies that a diagnosis is not established, since the term includes all conditions painful musculoskeletal system.
Musculoskeletal pain are the most common complaint reported in health surveys. Different musculoskeletal pains are a huge variety of different names that reflect the diversity of views and lack of consensus as to its origin. Musculoskeletal conditions are very common and have important consequences for the individual and society. Overall, 50% of the population claims to have suffered musculoskeletal pain in one or more points on the body for at least one week during the last month. Population surveys show that back pain is the most common regional pain among younger adults and middle-aged, while among older people the pain is the most common knee pain. Physical disability prevalence were higher among women than among men, and increases with age: about 60% of women over 75 who live in society indicate any physical limitations. Among people of working age, musculoskeletal conditions, especially back pain and nonspecific pain in general, are a common cause of absenteeism and long-term work disability and, therefore, represent a serious problem for people affected with enormous economic consequences for society.
Among the elderly, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and osteoporosis are associated with loss of independence and the need for greater support in the community or admission to a residential care facility. Between 15% and 20% of primary care visits due to musculoskeletal conditions. Many of these people are advised to use the associated medical professions such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy or chiropractic, or specialists such as rheumatologists, orthopedic surgeons or rehabilitation specialists. The total joint prostheses (mainly hip or knee) is one of the most common elective operations for older people in most European countries. Forearm fractures, spine and hip are the ones with major consequences for the health services osteoporosis. Mortality associated with hip fracture is significant.
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Musculoskeletal Disorders Diabetes
Diabetes Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease which is characterized by hyperglycemia caused by a defect in insulin secretion in insulin action, or both. According to WHO, the classic symptoms of diabetes mellitus diagnosis are the presence of polyuria, polydipsia and unexplained weight loss and / or hyperglycemia H 11.1 mmol / l (200 mg / dl) in a random or fasting (no caloric intake for 8 hours), with a level plasma glucose of 7.0 mmol / l (126 mg / dl) and / or a postprandial value of 11.1 mmol / l (200 mg / dl) (plasma glucose level after two hours in a test oral glucose tolerance). This test will be performed according to WHO criteria with a glucose load equivalent to 75 grams of anhydrous glucose dissolved in water. If there is unequivocal hyperglycaemia with acute metabolic decompensation, these criteria should be confirmed by repeating the test on another day (definition the EUDIP).
In 1997, WHO issued a new recommendation for the diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus, that distinguishes between types of diabetes mellitus following:
type 1 diabetes includes cases with absolute deficiency insulin, caused by the destruction of pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin. Type 1 is classified as type 1A (immune-mediated diabetes), where diabetes mellitus is stimulated by a reaction of immune system resistance, eg viral infections, and as type 1b (idiopathic diabetes), which appears by itself and not as a result of other diseases.
diabetes type 2 (DT2) encompasses all forms of diabetes with relative insulin deficiency, which can be caused by insulin resistance or defective insulin secretion. The previous classification of type 2a (normal weight) and 2b (overweight) is no longer valid. Type 2 diabetes is more common than type 1 diabetes, according to the WHO report Health in Europe 2002, 85-95% of diabetics suffer from DT2. Diabetes type
3 comprises all other specific forms, which are much less common than other diabetes: 3 A, associated with genetic defects of beta cells, 3 B, associated with genetic defects in the action of insulin, 3 C, a disease of the pancreas, 3 D, a disease caused by hormonal disorders, 3 E, induced by chemicals or drugs, 3 F, caused by infection, and 3 H, other genetic syndromes sometimes associated with diabetes.
Type 4 is gestational diabetes.
Diabetes Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease which is characterized by hyperglycemia caused by a defect in insulin secretion in insulin action, or both. According to WHO, the classic symptoms of diabetes mellitus diagnosis are the presence of polyuria, polydipsia and unexplained weight loss and / or hyperglycemia H 11.1 mmol / l (200 mg / dl) in a random or fasting (no caloric intake for 8 hours), with a level plasma glucose of 7.0 mmol / l (126 mg / dl) and / or a postprandial value of 11.1 mmol / l (200 mg / dl) (plasma glucose level after two hours in a test oral glucose tolerance). This test will be performed according to WHO criteria with a glucose load equivalent to 75 grams of anhydrous glucose dissolved in water. If there is unequivocal hyperglycaemia with acute metabolic decompensation, these criteria should be confirmed by repeating the test on another day (definition the EUDIP).
In 1997, WHO issued a new recommendation for the diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus, that distinguishes between types of diabetes mellitus following:
type 1 diabetes includes cases with absolute deficiency insulin, caused by the destruction of pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin. Type 1 is classified as type 1A (immune-mediated diabetes), where diabetes mellitus is stimulated by a reaction of immune system resistance, eg viral infections, and as type 1b (idiopathic diabetes), which appears by itself and not as a result of other diseases.
diabetes type 2 (DT2) encompasses all forms of diabetes with relative insulin deficiency, which can be caused by insulin resistance or defective insulin secretion. The previous classification of type 2a (normal weight) and 2b (overweight) is no longer valid. Type 2 diabetes is more common than type 1 diabetes, according to the WHO report Health in Europe 2002, 85-95% of diabetics suffer from DT2. Diabetes type
3 comprises all other specific forms, which are much less common than other diabetes: 3 A, associated with genetic defects of beta cells, 3 B, associated with genetic defects in the action of insulin, 3 C, a disease of the pancreas, 3 D, a disease caused by hormonal disorders, 3 E, induced by chemicals or drugs, 3 F, caused by infection, and 3 H, other genetic syndromes sometimes associated with diabetes.
Type 4 is gestational diabetes.
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chronic obstructive lung diseases Cardiovascular diseases
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a leading cause of chronic morbidity. The American Thoracic Society has defined COPD as "an obstruction to airflow chronic bronchial injury or emphysema, airflow obstruction is usually progressive and may be partially reversible." Respiratory Society Europe has defined COPD as "a reduced peak flow with a slow forced emptying of the lungs, the airflow limitation is slowly progressive and largely irreversible current medical treatment." More recently, the global initiative against chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (GOLD) defines COPD as "a disease characterized by airflow limitation that is not fully reversible. The airflow limitation is usually progressive and be associated with an abnormal inflammatory response of the lungs to noxious particles or gases. " Varies, however, the precise classification of airflow reversibility and severity of the disease. The differences in definition can cause variations in the calculations above 200%.
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Cardiovascular Disease Cardiovascular disease is a set of medical problems that affect the heart and surrounding blood vessels. Can take many forms, such as hypertension, coronary artery disease, valvular disease, syncope or heart disease.
Heart disease and circulatory system cause 1.9 million deaths in the European Union. That represents about half of all deaths that occur in European countries; This group of diseases, ischemic heart disease is a major cause of death. Ischemic heart disease leads to many premature deaths and health care because cardiovascular disease is expensive and prolonged, is also a major economic burden in Europe. It is estimated that each year, the snuff kills 650 000 people in the EU (185,000 of them die of cardiovascular disease).
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Autistic Spectrum Disorders Asthma
autism spectrum disorders
Autism ("classical autism") is a developmental disorder characterized by problems of language, perception and socialization. Part of a group of disorders development known as autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Various biochemical, anatomical and neuroradiographic point to an alteration of brain energy metabolism in autistic, but is still unknown cause (definition Orphanet).
Autism is characterized by difficulties in social interaction, problems with verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors or obsessive interests and limited. Its effects can range from mild to disabling.
The most distinctive feature of autism is inadequate social interaction. Parents are usually the first to notice symptoms of autism in their child. Even in the first child, a baby with autism may not react to those around you, or focus strongly in something, exclusion of everything else, for a long time. An autistic child may give the impression to develop normally and then withdraw and indifferent to social engagement. Many autistic children have little sensitivity to pain, but are abnormally sensitive to sensory stimuli such as sound, touch or otherwise. These unusual sensitivities may lead to behavioral symptoms, for example, resistance to cuddling or hugging (U.S. National Institute of Mental Health). Among the TEA
include other disorders such as Asperger syndrome, the Fragile X syndrome, the Landau-Kleffner syndrome, Rett syndrome, disintegrative disorder of childhood, and PDD-NOS (pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified). Recent studies indicate that many people have autistic behavior but distinct disorders.
There is no cure for ASDs. In many children the symptoms improve over the years and treatment. Some have a normal or near normal life in adulthood. There are therapies and behavioral interventions for specific symptoms that can make substantial improvements. Contrary to what happened 20 years ago when many autistic individuals living in institutions, there are now many solutions flexible. In general, only need to live in an institution the most severely affected.
Given the health and social implications of ASD, since 2005 the European Commission has included explicitly in their work plans related to public health. The main focus is on information about autism and Asperger syndrome, delayed cognitive and motor dysfunction, perceptual, language and socio-emotional as well as in the definition of indicators of these conditions.
Autism ("classical autism") is a developmental disorder characterized by problems of language, perception and socialization. Part of a group of disorders development known as autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Various biochemical, anatomical and neuroradiographic point to an alteration of brain energy metabolism in autistic, but is still unknown cause (definition Orphanet).
Autism is characterized by difficulties in social interaction, problems with verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors or obsessive interests and limited. Its effects can range from mild to disabling.
The most distinctive feature of autism is inadequate social interaction. Parents are usually the first to notice symptoms of autism in their child. Even in the first child, a baby with autism may not react to those around you, or focus strongly in something, exclusion of everything else, for a long time. An autistic child may give the impression to develop normally and then withdraw and indifferent to social engagement. Many autistic children have little sensitivity to pain, but are abnormally sensitive to sensory stimuli such as sound, touch or otherwise. These unusual sensitivities may lead to behavioral symptoms, for example, resistance to cuddling or hugging (U.S. National Institute of Mental Health). Among the TEA
include other disorders such as Asperger syndrome, the Fragile X syndrome, the Landau-Kleffner syndrome, Rett syndrome, disintegrative disorder of childhood, and PDD-NOS (pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified). Recent studies indicate that many people have autistic behavior but distinct disorders.
There is no cure for ASDs. In many children the symptoms improve over the years and treatment. Some have a normal or near normal life in adulthood. There are therapies and behavioral interventions for specific symptoms that can make substantial improvements. Contrary to what happened 20 years ago when many autistic individuals living in institutions, there are now many solutions flexible. In general, only need to live in an institution the most severely affected.
Given the health and social implications of ASD, since 2005 the European Commission has included explicitly in their work plans related to public health. The main focus is on information about autism and Asperger syndrome, delayed cognitive and motor dysfunction, perceptual, language and socio-emotional as well as in the definition of indicators of these conditions.
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For many people, asthma is an allergic reaction to substances commonly inhaled through the air, like animal dander, pollen, dust mite and cockroach waste. The collective name for these substances, allergens, refers to anything that produces an allergic reaction. Some people have a genetic predisposition to react to certain allergens.
When inhaled allergen, their immune system is activated as if it rejects a parasite harmful, producing a molecule called immunoglobulin E (IgE), one of the defensive molecules called antibodies. The IgE antibody is central to the allergic reaction. For example, causes mast cells, a type of specialized defensive cell, release "weapons" chemical in the airways, which become inflamed and constricted, which causes coughing, wheezing and difficulty breathing dry: a flare (defined in National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, United States).
For many people, asthma is an allergic reaction to substances commonly inhaled through the air, like animal dander, pollen, dust mite and cockroach waste. The collective name for these substances, allergens, refers to anything that produces an allergic reaction. Some people have a genetic predisposition to react to certain allergens.
When inhaled allergen, their immune system is activated as if it rejects a parasite harmful, producing a molecule called immunoglobulin E (IgE), one of the defensive molecules called antibodies. The IgE antibody is central to the allergic reaction. For example, causes mast cells, a type of specialized defensive cell, release "weapons" chemical in the airways, which become inflamed and constricted, which causes coughing, wheezing and difficulty breathing dry: a flare (defined in National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, United States).
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Nutrition and Physical Activity
Nutrition and Physical Activity
Currently in Europe, six of the seven major risk factors for premature death (blood pressure, cholesterol, body mass index, inadequate intake of fruit and vegetables, physical inactivity and excessive alcohol consumption) are related to the way we eat, drink and move (the factor Left is the snuff). A balanced diet and regular physical activity, while abstaining from smoking, are important factors for promoting and maintaining good health. On the other hand, people with lower incomes and less education are most affected.
Overweight and obesity are increasing at an alarming rate in Europe. Obesity is one of the most serious health problems in Europe because it increases significantly the risk of many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and certain cancers, which currently represent the greatest burden of disease and are the leading cause of mortality, both in Europe and worldwide. The increase in childhood obesity is particularly worrying. Factors relating to lifestyle, including diet, eating habits and activity levels and physical inactivity, often acquired in early life. Given that childhood obesity is also closely associated with obesity in adulthood, the early years are the best time to address this problem.
Today, maintain a normal weight is a challenge. The environment in which people live conducive for obesity. Abundant high-calorie foods that are often poor in nutrients, and reduce the needs and opportunities to exercise physical activity, both at work and in leisure time. Food rations are increasing every year, but in reality people need fewer calories by the trend towards sedentary lifestyles.
The European Commission is aware of the seriousness of this problem. Nutrition, physical activity and obesity are key priorities in EU health policy and action program in the field of public health (2008-2013) are assumed.
Currently in Europe, six of the seven major risk factors for premature death (blood pressure, cholesterol, body mass index, inadequate intake of fruit and vegetables, physical inactivity and excessive alcohol consumption) are related to the way we eat, drink and move (the factor Left is the snuff). A balanced diet and regular physical activity, while abstaining from smoking, are important factors for promoting and maintaining good health. On the other hand, people with lower incomes and less education are most affected.
Overweight and obesity are increasing at an alarming rate in Europe. Obesity is one of the most serious health problems in Europe because it increases significantly the risk of many chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and certain cancers, which currently represent the greatest burden of disease and are the leading cause of mortality, both in Europe and worldwide. The increase in childhood obesity is particularly worrying. Factors relating to lifestyle, including diet, eating habits and activity levels and physical inactivity, often acquired in early life. Given that childhood obesity is also closely associated with obesity in adulthood, the early years are the best time to address this problem.
Today, maintain a normal weight is a challenge. The environment in which people live conducive for obesity. Abundant high-calorie foods that are often poor in nutrients, and reduce the needs and opportunities to exercise physical activity, both at work and in leisure time. Food rations are increasing every year, but in reality people need fewer calories by the trend towards sedentary lifestyles.
The European Commission is aware of the seriousness of this problem. Nutrition, physical activity and obesity are key priorities in EU health policy and action program in the field of public health (2008-2013) are assumed.
Monday, July 19, 2010
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blah, blah, blah
lion roar in the front
endless task
Maw Velan
intransigent Take the bait
caged lion claws
Where's the sheep's clothing?
This information is protected by copyright. You can share and / or distributed by electronic means citing the author and blog Shaymyli Sum
lion roar in the front
endless task
Maw Velan
intransigent Take the bait
caged lion claws
Where's the sheep's clothing?
This information is protected by copyright. You can share and / or distributed by electronic means citing the author and blog Shaymyli Sum
Sunday, July 4, 2010
What Is The Colour Of A Rash
Buying the book
Two types of sale of the book:
In bookstores across the country and Ocho Fortuna Shops:
- Merced 307, Santiago center. Phone: (56-2) 638 54 29
- Boulevard Drugstore, Providencia 2124, Local 023B. Phone: (56-2) 334 25 October
- Parque Arauco, 3rd Floor, Local 10. Phone: (56-2) 211 71 86
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Chile La Mirada Original Paper
Chile Gaze Original / Join Lelin / Sum Qamawipa is a book of photographs of animals with stories of native peoples of Chile, which has been translated from English to Mapuzugun and Aymara.
This book is accompanied by a music CD composed by Jorge Aliaga, noted media player based on the recordings he made a great ornithologist, bird lover, Guillermo Egli.
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comment about the book author
The project, says its author Juan Francisco Bascuñán arises around a very ancient and universal idea, one that speaks of the mutual interdependence of all things, this experience to be connected with all of nature.
The project, says its author Juan Francisco Bascuñán arises around a very ancient and universal idea, one that speaks of the mutual interdependence of all things, this experience to be connected with all of nature.
This understanding is found in many myths and stories of indigenous peoples, is also on the basis of Eastern spiritual traditions whose goal is to be aware of the interrelationship between all things and even is somehow in modern biology that runs on the theory that men and animals had a common ancestor.
The recreation of the systemic or unified conception of life, through images, stories and music seems relevant because it allows us to understand something very simple but important: whenever we harm another, such a animal, we are hurting ourselves.
The book's portrait of animals used to generate matches of glances between the reader and the person photographed, in order to generate the recognition of others. This, partly because the crisis in the conservation of the species currently is given by a problem of cognitive do not recognize, perceive no other beings on earth with us. So how I can protect someone, but I see or do not know exists?
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