Thursday, September 16, 2010

Email Cover Letter Visual Merchandiser


If I write only to apologize, I have the blog lately abandonaito ...

I thought that right around the holidays would have more time but it was just the opposite.

recetilla I have any around, pending publication, missing some step by step, but given the pace that I'm going to have to dip and climb them, even so, because with the little time I have lately, does not give me to cook (well, except the basic little things, you know, some croissants, a few beers Chocolate, a bizcochillo Here, a postrecillo over there, these pancakes take away from there ... but nothing worthy of the blog), so I have this so stopped. Only

step to apologize to the 36 that follow me open (my mother, I never thought I would get to that number!) And those who follow me but not open to everyone.

back soon with more little things, try to pick up the pace of the blog as I can.

Thank you all for understanding.


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